Tuesday 19 May 2020

Notwithstanding Enharmonics, B♭ is not A♯

I am not an art teacher. I am an artist.
I am not a music teacher. I am a musician.
I am not a poetry teacher. I am a poet. 

Seán Manchester

Prior to the modern meaning, enharmonic referred to notes that were very close in pitch—closer than the smallest step of a diatonic scale—but not identical in pitch, such as F♯ and a flattened note such as G♭, as in an enharmonic scale. Enharmonic equivalence is peculiar to post-tonal theory. Much music since at least the eighteenth century, however, exploits enharmonic equivalence for purposes of modulation and this requires that enharmonic equivalents in fact be equivalent.

Some key signatures have an enharmonic equivalent that represents a scale identical in sound but spelled differently. The number of sharps and flats of two enharmonically equivalent keys sum to twelve. For example, the key of B major, with 5 sharps, is enharmonically equivalent to the key of C♭ major with 7 flats, and 5 (sharps) + 7 (flats) = 12. Keys past 7 sharps or flats exist only theoretically and not in practice. The enharmonic keys are six pairs, three major pairs and three minor pairs: B major/C♭ major, G♯ minor/A♭ minor, F♯ major/G♭ major, D♯ minor/E♭ minor, C♯ major/D♭ major and A♯ minor/B♭ minor. There are practically no works composed in keys that require double sharps or double flats in the key signature. In practice, musicians learn and practice fifteen major and fifteen minor keys, three more than twelve due to the enharmonic spellings.

Enharmonic equivalents can also be used to improve the readability of a line of music. For example, a sequence of notes is more easily read as "ascending" or "descending" if the noteheads are on different positions on the staff. Doing so may also reduce the number of accidentals that must be used. Thus, in the key of B♭ major, the sequence B♭-B♮-B♭ is more easily read using the enharmonic spelling C♭ instead of B♮.

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