This might more accurately be titled After the Storms; because we had at least three, one of them registering 122 mile winds at the Needles, IOW, which is too close for comfort, and an all time record.
The storm has passed; its fury spent
No more for me the punishment
Of darkened view; of helpless terror
Of knowing my time was spent in error
The storm has passed; it could not win
Though I do know that I have sin
The storm has passed; it did not break
That which it sought to unmake
Helpless in the face of its might
Living through one long night
But now, my love, I stand with you
And watch the bright new day anew
The storm has passed; it failed to shake
I could not let it dictate
Its fury did rend my tortured soul
Its claws now dragged back to hole
But now the sun does shine on earth
And once again I feel my worth
The storm has passed; failed; in defeat
And in its place there now stands peace
No place for me on gallows hill
Set down for me is life’s pure thrill
This wind of change blows pure and clear
And music I can once more hear